Package uic.output

Package that contains classes for the convertion from the QtDesigner files to usable user interfaces.


Interface Summary
MultiPanelInterface Interface for multi panel widgets like QWizard or QTabwidget.
OutputterInterface Each outputer has to implement this interface to be pluggable into UIC.
TranslatorInterface To enable a translation of a GUI the uic.properites can point to any class that implements this interface to make sure it generates code (Representers actually).

Class Summary
AbstractWidget Base class that provides implementation each plugin will likely need.
AbstractWidget.ActionInformation For each connection this is the information to subscribe a signal to a widget.
DummyTranslator This translator does not translate anything.
JavaFileWriter Take a Builder that has a build-structure in it and generate a java file.
UICTranslator This translator enabled the generated classes to use the uic.Translate class for translations.
VariableManager While compiling this class makes sure we keep names unique and we have a full list of all the widgets to 'define' as class variables.

Exception Summary

Package uic.output Description

Package that contains classes for the convertion from the QtDesigner files to usable user interfaces. This includes base classes for the plugins which are seperated in subpackages.

Copyright © 2002,2003 Thomas Zander Available under the Free Apache licence