
uic.anttask Ant integration
uic.layout Java Swing based layouter for professional layouting with minimum code
uic.model Provides model classes for Swing GUIs.
uic.output Package that contains classes for the convertion from the QtDesigner files to usable user interfaces.
uic.output.pjava Each widget in QtDesigner is handled by a seperate plugin which extends the AbstractWidget.
uic.output.swing Each widget in QtDesigner is handled by a seperate plugin which extends the AbstractWidget.
uic.pjava Personal Java Package.
uic.pjava.theme Personal Java Theme.
uic.pjava.widgets Personal Java Widgets for your programming pleasure!
uic.pjava.widgets.tabbedpane Personal Java Tabbed Pane widget that is written to work on small screen sizes.
uic.pjava.widgets.table Personal Java Table widget.
uic.themeconfig A configuration dialog for the UICTheme.
uic.themes The Swing UICTheme to provide various bugfixes and an all-round mature theme.
uic.widgets Swing Widgets for your programming pleasure!
uic.widgets.event Event listeners and classes for the widgets in uic.widgets


Copyright © 2002,2003 Thomas Zander Available under the Free Apache licence