Interface MultiPanelInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:
OldQWizard, QSplitter, QTabWidget, QTabWidget, QWizard

public interface MultiPanelInterface

Interface for multi panel widgets like QWizard or QTabwidget.

Stefan Rotman (rotman@rotman.net)

Method Summary
 String addPanel(int index)
          On panels which can have multiple panels we add each 'child' seperately, this method is called and the plugin is expected to create a new container for that child.

Method Detail


public String addPanel(int index)
On panels which can have multiple panels we add each 'child' seperately, this method is called and the plugin is expected to create a new container for that child. For a QTabWidget each call will add a new tab, and return the (generated) name on which the widgets can be placed.

index - A zero based index on which child will be added.
name of the (empty) child container.

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