Uses of Class

Packages that use Representer
uic.output Package that contains classes for the convertion from the QtDesigner files to usable user interfaces. 

Uses of Representer in uic.output

Methods in uic.output that return Representer
 Representer UICTranslator.i18n(Object in)
 Representer UICTranslator.getButtonText(Object in)
 Representer UICTranslator.getMnemonic(Object in)
 Representer TranslatorInterface.i18n(Object in)
          The usage of this method (in implementing classes) would be to translate text from the user-interface input file to the output.
 Representer TranslatorInterface.getButtonText(Object in)
          In modern GUIs the '&' in front of a character represents a mnemonic; but should not be visible on buttons; this method returns the string sans the '&'.
 Representer TranslatorInterface.getMnemonic(Object in)
          In modern GUIs the '&' in front of a character represents a mnemonic; but should not be visible on buttons; this method returns the first character that follows the first '& char.
 Representer DummyTranslator.i18n(Object in)
 Representer DummyTranslator.getButtonText(Object in)
 Representer DummyTranslator.getMnemonic(Object in)

Methods in uic.output with parameters of type Representer
protected  String representer, boolean isRootNode)
protected  String representer, boolean isRootNode, boolean rootWidget)
protected  void JavaFileWriter.getImports(Vector done, HashMap packages, Representer rep)
protected  String JavaFileWriter.getImport(Representer rep)

Uses of Representer in uic.output.builder

Subclasses of Representer in uic.output.builder
 class ArrayRepresenter
          A Representer for an Array.
 class Callable
          This represents anything with a Constructor.
 class CodeSnippet
          This represents a piece of code that only the JavaFileWriter will write out.
 class ContainerRepresenter
          This represens a set of widgets that are going to be grouped with a layout manager.
 class FieldRepresenter
          A field of a Class.
 class MethodRepresenter
          Any method on a class.
 class ObjectRepresenter
          Any class that has a constructor.
 class ValueRepresenter
          Any value, or better said; instance of a class/basetype.
 class WidgetRepresenter
          Any widget that has a constructor, and can be added to a container.

Fields in uic.output.builder declared as Representer
protected  Representer Representer.parent

Methods in uic.output.builder that return Representer
 Representer Callable.Argument.getArgument()
 Representer ObjectRepresenter.Assignment.getRight()
 Representer Representer.getParent()

Methods in uic.output.builder with parameters of type Representer
 Callable Callable.addArgument(String returnType, Representer arg)
 Callable Callable.addArgument(Representer arg)
 void ObjectRepresenter.setField(String fieldName, Representer value)
 void ContainerRepresenter.addChild(Representer child, String option)

Constructors in uic.output.builder with parameters of type Representer
Callable.Argument(String returnType, Representer arg)
Callable.Argument(Representer arg)
FieldRepresenter(Representer parent, String name)
ObjectRepresenter(Representer parent, boolean export)
ObjectRepresenter.Assignment(FieldRepresenter left, Representer right)
MethodRepresenter(Representer parent, String name)

Copyright © 2002,2003 Thomas Zander Available under the Free Apache licence