Package uic.widgets

Swing Widgets for your programming pleasure!


Interface Summary
GroupBox.PreviewHeader This interface is needed to be implemented on borders and headers for collapsable GroupBoxes.
StatusBar.StatusLabelInterface For applications that want more then just a single label on their status bar they can use this.

Class Summary
AbstractWindow This abstract class is the superclass of all classes that show a Window or Frame on screen and want intelligence added such as automatic placing and sizing based on screen size, monitor setup and naturally content size.
BevelArrowIcon An arrow icon used in (UIC) Table headers to show the sorting direction.
CheckBoxIcon An icon used by checkboxes.
ColorButtons A widget that displays a set of color-icons.
ColorSelection A color selection dialog.
ColorSelectionBase Class generated by UICompiler.
ComboBoxButtonIcon An icon for the arrow on the right side of a checkbox.
ExtraWindow This class represent a so-called Extra Window.
ExtraWindow.CloseButton This Button just shows a cross as a good CloseButton should.
FontSelection This widget shows a list of installed fonts and allows the user to choose one.
FontSelectionBase Class generated by UICompiler.
GroupBox.AbstractCollapsableBorder For a collapsable groupBox we show a border that, when clicked, will collapse the groupbox.
GuiHelper various static method to provide functionality not immidiately available in Swing.
HSVSelector This widget provides a color selection panel.
IntegerInputButton Widget that shows a button, but provides a textfield for entering integers when clicked.
IntegerInputButtonBase Class generated by UICompiler.
JLine A line widget.
MainWindow MainWindow is the application window for any application you will create.
MainWindow.GlassPaneListener Class that stops all events to the window when we are in 'help' mode to show a whatIs message.
MainWindow.RootPane Class that is a rootpane on the MainWindow in order to have the statusBar be correctly placed.
PopupActionManager This class is a singleton that creates a set of Action objects and manages the popup.
RadioButtonIcon An icon used by RadioButtons.
Splash A Splash screen that will show a picture and possibly a progressbar.
SplashScreen A Splash screen that will show a picture and possibly a progressbar.
StandardDialog A replacement for all your usages of JDialog.
StatusBar This widget draws a StatusBar with progress line and cancel button.
TableSorterHeaderRenderer Table header renderer, is set from the function addMouseListenerToHeaderInTable(JTable table) in TableSorter
ToolBarButton Button that behaves like a normal JButton, but looks different.
ToolBarContainer This ToolBarContainer is a Container that allows a number of Toolbars to be present at a certain side of the screen.
TwoColorCellRenderer Implementation of a table cell renderer that has different colors for the odd and even table rows
TwoColorListCellRenderer CellRenderer for the list.
UICArrowButton A button that only shows an arrow and is repeating.
UICColorButton A button without a name; but with a color area.
UICDateTimeSpinner The UICDateTimeSpinner can be used as a JSpinner for dates, times or both.
UICFocusTraversalPolicy A focus traversalPolicy for predefined traversal.
UICListSelectionModel Deprecated.  
UICSpinbox UIC Enhanced Spinbox (an equivalent for javax.swing.Spinner).
UICSpinner JSpinner extending class to fix a fatal bug in its superclass.
UICSqueezedTextLabel A text label that will show a full text-label, but use space smartly when it can not.
UICTable A replacement for the JTable to make the programmers life a lot easier.
UICTextField A subclass of JTextField that adds usability features.
UICToolBar Replacement ToolBar that has many usability features and works closely with the UICToolBar.
UICToolBar.ArrowsIcon The icon on the more-items button.
UICToolBar.ToolBarLocation Data container that displays the corrent location of a UICToolBar.
UICWhatsThis This class has a couple of static method that enable you to show whatIs information on screen.
UICWizard The UICWizard class provides a framework for wizard dialogs.
WindowRepresenter This class manages the 4 ToolBarContainer instances per window, there is one instance per Window.

Package uic.widgets Description

Swing Widgets for your programming pleasure!

Copyright © 2002-2004 Thomas Zander Available under the Free Apache licence