Uses of Class

Packages that use Callable

Uses of Callable in uic.output.builder

Subclasses of Callable in uic.output.builder
 class ContainerRepresenter
          This represens a set of widgets that are going to be grouped with a layout manager.
 class MethodRepresenter
          Any method on a class.
 class ObjectRepresenter
          Any class that has a constructor.
 class WidgetRepresenter
          Any widget that has a constructor, and can be added to a container.

Methods in uic.output.builder that return Callable
 Callable Callable.addArgument(boolean arg)
 Callable Callable.addArgument(byte arg)
 Callable Callable.addArgument(char arg)
 Callable Callable.addArgument(double arg)
 Callable Callable.addArgument(float arg)
 Callable Callable.addArgument(int arg)
 Callable Callable.addArgument(long arg)
 Callable Callable.addArgument(Representer arg)
 Callable Callable.addArgument(String arg)
 Callable Callable.addArgument(String returnType, Representer arg)
 Callable Callable.addNullArgument()

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