Class WidgetRepresenter

  extended by uic.output.builder.Representer
      extended by uic.output.builder.Callable
          extended by uic.output.builder.ObjectRepresenter
              extended by uic.output.builder.WidgetRepresenter
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class WidgetRepresenter
extends ObjectRepresenter

Any widget that has a constructor, and can be added to a container.

Nested Class Summary
static class WidgetRepresenter.EventRepresenter
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class uic.output.builder.ObjectRepresenter
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class uic.output.builder.Callable
Field Summary
protected  List dependencies
protected  List events
protected  List methods
Fields inherited from class uic.output.builder.ObjectRepresenter
export, fieldAssignments
Fields inherited from class uic.output.builder.Callable
Fields inherited from class uic.output.builder.Representer
name, parent, staticParent
Constructor Summary
protected WidgetRepresenter(String name, String fullClassName)
          Convienience constructor where export is true.
protected WidgetRepresenter(String name, String fullClassName, boolean export)
          In a line where a widget is created this is the representer.
protected WidgetRepresenter(String name, String fullClassName, MethodRepresenter parent)
protected WidgetRepresenter(String name, String fullClassName, MethodRepresenter parent, boolean export)
Method Summary
 void addAction(MethodRepresenter initAction, CodeSnippet handlingSection)
          A widget can have a series of actions connected to it and code to handle the action at hand.
 void addAction(WidgetRepresenter uicAction, CodeSnippet handlingSection)
 void addCodeSnippet(CodeSnippet snippet)
protected  void addDependency(String widgetName)
 void call(MethodRepresenter method)
 MethodRepresenter call(String method)
protected  void clearDependencies()
 MethodRepresenter deepCall(String firstMethod, String secondMethod)
          Convienience method for a case like this: this.getText().size().
 List getActions()
protected  List getDependencies()
 FieldRepresenter getField(String name)
 MethodRepresenter getMethod(String name)
 List getMethods()
Methods inherited from class uic.output.builder.ObjectRepresenter
export, field, getFields, setField, toString
Methods inherited from class uic.output.builder.Callable
addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addArgument, addNullArgument, clearArguments, getArguments
Methods inherited from class uic.output.builder.Representer
getName, getParent, getStaticParent, setName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected List methods


protected List dependencies


protected List events
Constructor Detail


protected WidgetRepresenter(String name,
                            String fullClassName,
                            boolean export)
In a line where a widget is created this is the representer. The definition of widget in the context of this package is as follows; an object that methods can be called on and which can have arguments (for the constructor).

name - the name of the widget, like 'myPanel'
fullClassName - the classname, like javax.swing.JPanel
export - marks this widget to be a classvariable if true; otherwise it will be created in the GuiInit() method and go out of scope when leaving the method.


protected WidgetRepresenter(String name,
                            String fullClassName,
                            MethodRepresenter parent)


protected WidgetRepresenter(String name,
                            String fullClassName,
                            MethodRepresenter parent,
                            boolean export)


protected WidgetRepresenter(String name,
                            String fullClassName)
Convienience constructor where export is true.

Method Detail


public MethodRepresenter call(String method)


public MethodRepresenter deepCall(String firstMethod,
                                  String secondMethod)
Convienience method for a case like this: this.getText().size(). Assuming the 'this' is represented by this WidgetRepresenter the call would be; myWidget.deepCall("getText", "size")

Since a method representer is returned you can call addArgument on that; be aware that the last method is returned, the 'size()' method in this example.


public void call(MethodRepresenter method)


public List getMethods()


public FieldRepresenter getField(String name)


public MethodRepresenter getMethod(String name)


protected void clearDependencies()


protected void addDependency(String widgetName)


protected List getDependencies()


public void addAction(MethodRepresenter initAction,
                      CodeSnippet handlingSection)
A widget can have a series of actions connected to it and code to handle the action at hand. If a button is being pressed it fires an event that the controller class can listen to and subsequently do something with the button press.

In GUIs there is a high need to couple widgets together without making the controller class aware of this at all; its all view. Adding an action to a WidgetRepresenter means that the generator (Java file writer for example) will attach an handler to an event listener. In the case of a button press in Swing this means that a actionListener will be added to the button and the handling section will be called if the event comes in. The handling section will be a seperate method that can be overruled in the extening class.

In the case of a JButton this code is suppost to be created:

myButton.addActionListener( (ActionListener) EventHandler.create(ActionListener.class, this, "myButtonSlot") );

  public voic myButtonSlot() {
      // do something..
In this case the "addActionListener" methodRepresenter is the initAction argument and the 'myButtonSlot' method is the handlingSection argument.


public void addAction(WidgetRepresenter uicAction,
                      CodeSnippet handlingSection)


public void addCodeSnippet(CodeSnippet snippet)


public List getActions()

Copyright © 2002-2004 Thomas Zander Available under the Free Apache licence