Package uic.model

Provides model classes for Swing GUIs.


Interface Summary
IconFactory.Repository This interface is used to query any repository for icons it might have to be used by the IconFactory.
TableViewInterface This interface should be added to every table model used in the MWTable from this package.
UICSimpleAction.ExecutePolicy Each action that is called 'execute()' on will be executed according to policy.

Class Summary
ActionFactory ActionFactory builds actions and keeps them referenced so you can easily enable/disable them.
ExtendedListSelectionModel List selection model, that handles 2 extra selection types
IconFactory Icon factory creates Icon objects from image files found in one of the registered repositories.
IconFactory.ClasspathRepository A repository that will load images from the classpath.
IconFactory.IconRepository An IconRepository class that uses known formats from icon packages.
IconFactory.SizeComperator This comperator is usable to sort image sizes in an existing collection for best quality.
IconFactory.ZipFileRepository A repository to allow things like the jlfg jar to be used.
TableRowSorter A sorter for TableModels.
UICAction This action class contains all the information to provide high quality widgets and an action.
UICActionList The placeholder class that ActionFactory returns for certain entries in your .rc file.
UICDefaultTableModel This class does nothing but implement a bugfix for the defaultTableModel.
UICRadioAction An RadioButton action to add the concept of buttongroups to the ActionFactory used actions.
UICRestrictedDocument A document which you can set on things like a JTextField or JTextArea which limits input the specified chars.
UICSimpleAction This class represent the glue between a user event and a piece of controlling logic.
UICSimpleAction.Arguments A builder class to specify arguments of differing types for a target method.
UICSimpleAction.DirectMultiThreadingPolicy This policy will execute the action in a new thread.
UICSimpleAction.DirectPolicy This policy will execute the action in the calling thread.
UICSimpleAction.OnlyLastPolicy This policy will enqueue the action; but will remove others that would call the same target method.
UICSimpleAction.QueuedPolicy This policy will queue each action to be executed serially, while disabling the action when running.
UICSimpleAction.SimpleQueuedPolicy This policy will queue each action to be executed serially.
UICSpinnerNumberModel Deprecated. use SpinboxModel with the UICSpinbox instead
UICToggleAction An toggle action to add the concept of 'selected' to the ActionFactory used actions.
WorkerThread This is a helper class for the Actions framework.

Package uic.model Description

Provides model classes for Swing GUIs. Model classes are data manipulation classes that take care of good interaction between the user and the data.

Copyright © 2002-2004 Thomas Zander Available under the Free Apache licence