Class UICSimpleAction.Arguments

  extended by uic.model.UICSimpleAction.Arguments
Enclosing class:

public static class UICSimpleAction.Arguments
extends Object

A builder class to specify arguments of differing types for a target method.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 UICSimpleAction.Arguments addArgument(String argumentType)
          Adds an argument by named-type; the source action should define these names.
 UICSimpleAction.Arguments addNotArgument(String argumentType)
          Adds an boolean argument that will be inverted before passed on.
 UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(boolean value)
          Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.
 UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(byte value)
          Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.
 UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(char value)
          Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.
 UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(double value)
          Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.
 UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(float value)
          Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.
 UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(int value)
          Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.
 UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(long value)
          Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.
 UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(Object value)
          Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.
 UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(short value)
          Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.
protected  Object[] getArgumentsArray(UICSimpleAction action, EventObject event, int length)
          When a certain event happened; build an Object[] which will be passed to the target method.
 Iterator getArgumentsIterator()
          Returns an iterator over all added arguments
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments()
Method Detail


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments addArgument(String argumentType)
Adds an argument by named-type; the source action should define these names.


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(int value)
Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(short value)
Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(boolean value)
Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(long value)
Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(float value)
Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(double value)
Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(char value)
Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(byte value)
Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments addStaticArgument(Object value)
Adds an argument by its value; this exact value will always be used.


public UICSimpleAction.Arguments addNotArgument(String argumentType)
Adds an boolean argument that will be inverted before passed on. The argument is a named-type; the source action should define these names.


public Iterator getArgumentsIterator()
Returns an iterator over all added arguments


protected Object[] getArgumentsArray(UICSimpleAction action,
                                     EventObject event,
                                     int length)
When a certain event happened; build an Object[] which will be passed to the target method.

action - the action that knows how to handle the various argumentTypes
event - the event that caused the action to fire
length - the amount of arguments the targetMethod has.

Copyright © 2002-2004 Thomas Zander Available under the Free Apache licence