Uses of Class

Packages that use UICAction
uic.model Provides model classes for Swing GUIs. 

Uses of UICAction in uic.model

Subclasses of UICAction in uic.model
 class UICRadioAction
          An RadioButton action to add the concept of buttongroups to the ActionFactory used actions.
 class UICToggleAction
          An toggle action to add the concept of 'selected' to the ActionFactory used actions.

Methods in uic.model that return UICAction
 UICAction ActionFactory.addAction(String name, Object targetObject, String targetMethod, String title, String iconBaseName, String keyStroke, String toolTipText, String whatIsThis)
          Register action with factory.
 UICAction ActionFactory.addSpecialAction(String name, Object targetObject, String targetMethod)
          register actions that are predifined.
 UICAction ActionFactory.getAction(String name)
          Return the action registered using the argument name.

Methods in uic.model with parameters of type UICAction
 void UICActionList.add(UICAction action)
          add an action as a child of this list to be shown on screen.
 void ActionFactory.addAction(UICAction action)

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