Interface TableViewInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TableViewInterface

This interface should be added to every table model used in the MWTable from this package. This interface enforces the availablility of a method that allows the programmer to use the table more as a movel-view-controller.

Method Summary
 TableModel getModel()
          Return the child model.

Method Detail


public TableModel getModel()
Return the child model.

In the default swing JTable and its models you can nest models and these models can be either view or data. The data model is always the last in the chain of models.

The problem with the Swing implementation is that the programmer needs a link to the datamodel since its impossible to get that from the JTable if at least one view model has been added. This method allows the recursive retrieval of models, and thus restoration of piece between the MVC and JTable groups :)

the child model, or null if none.

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