Class HTMLConfig

  extended by uic.widgets.html.HTMLConfig

public class HTMLConfig
extends Object

A class used to control the default operation and rendering methods of a HTMLPane. The same Config object can be used with multiple panes. During construction all fields of the preferences object are set to default values. Individual fields can then be modified through the access methods listed.

Certain methods can only modify fields before the preferences object has been passed to a HTMLPane. Calling such methods after this point will not throw an exception - the calls are simply ignored.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new Config object which will have all fields set to default values.
Method Summary
 Font getDefaultButtonFont(int displaySize)
          Returns a default font being used within THREEDEE and FLUSH Buttons and ComboBoxes.
 Color getDefaultColor(int attributeType)
          Returns a default color used by a HTMLPane to render documents.
 Font getDefaultFont(int displaySize)
          Returns a default font being used by a HTMLPane
 Font getDefaultFormTextFont(int displaySize)
          Returns a default font being used within THREEDEE and FLUSH Textfields, TextAreas and Lists.
 int getDefaultFrameSpacing()
          Returns the default spacing in pixels between frames within a FrameSet document.
 int getDefaultMarginheight()
          Returns the default vertical margin of a document.
 int getDefaultMarginwidth()
          Returns the default horizontal margin of a document.
 int getFormRenderingStyle()
          Returns the default rendering style of FORM components within a HTMLPane.
 int getFrameDisplayWidth(int displaySize)
          Returns the width for the specified displaySize at which point a HTMLPane will start scaling its display if optimizeDisplay is enabled.
 int getOptimizeDisplay()
          Returns whether a HTMLPane will adjust display parameters based on frame size.
 Hashtable getVisitedHash()
          Returns a Hashtable containing references to visited URLs.
 boolean isAutomaticallyFollowHyperlinksEnabled()
          Returns whether a HTMLPane will automatically navigate activated hyperlinks.
 boolean isDisplayErrorDialogsEnabled()
          Returns whether a HTMLPane will automatically display a dialog when errors such as failed hyperlinks occur.
 boolean isHandleFormSubmissionEnabled()
          Returns whether a HTMLPane will automatically handle GET and POST form submissions.
 boolean isHandleNewFramesEnabled()
          Returns whether a new HTMLPane will automatically be created if specified by an HTML tag.
 boolean isLoadImagesEnabled()
          Returns whether a HTMLPane will automatically load images within documents.
 boolean isRequestFocusOnMouseClickEnabled()
          Returns whether a HTMLPane will request keyboard focus if the mouse is clicked within it.
 boolean isShowHyperlinkOnMouseFocusEnabled()
          Returns whether a HTMLPane will only show a hyperlink when the link has mouse focus.
 boolean isShowTestNavBarEnabled()
          Returns whether a HTMLPane will display a diagnostic navigation bar on startup.
 boolean isShowWarningBeforePostEnabled()
          Returns whether a HTMLPane will show a warning to the user before a form POST submission is made.
 boolean isUnderlineLinksEnabled()
          Returns whether a HTMLPane will underline hyperlinks.
 void setAutomaticallyFollowHyperlinks(boolean b)
          Enables/disables the automatic navigation of activated hyperlinks in a HTMLPane.
 void setDefaultButtonFont(int displaySize, Font font)
          Sets a default font to be used within form Buttons and ComboBoxes.
 void setDefaultColor(int attributeType, Color c)
          Sets a default color.
 void setDefaultFont(int displaySize, Font font)
          Sets a default font to be used by a HTMLPane.
 void setDefaultFormTextFont(int displaySize, Font font)
          Sets a default font to be used within form TextFields, TextAreas and Lists.
 void setDefaultFrameSpacing(int n)
          Sets the default spacing in pixels between frames within a FrameSet document.
 void setDefaultMarginheight(int n)
          Sets the default vertical margin of a document.
 void setDefaultMarginwidth(int n)
          Sets the default horizontal margin of a document.
 void setDisplayErrorDialogs(boolean b)
          Enables/disables the automatic display of error dialogs within a HTMLPane.
 void setFormRenderingStyle(int style)
          Sets the rendering style of FORM components within a HTMLPane.
 void setFrameDisplayWidth(int displaySize, int width)
          Sets the width for the specified displaySize at which point a HTMLPane will start scaling its display if optimizeDisplay is enabled.
 void setHandleFormSubmission(boolean b)
          Enables/disables the automatic processing of GET and POST html forms within a HTMLPane.
 void setHandleNewFrames(boolean b)
          Enables/disables the automatic creation of a new HTMLPane if specified by an HTML tag.
 void setLoadImages(boolean b)
          Enables/disables the automatic loading of images within a HTMLPane.
 void setOptimizeDisplay(int optimizeLevel)
          Determines whether a HTMLPane will adjust display parameters based on frame width.
 void setRequestFocusOnMouseClick(boolean b)
          Determines whether a HTMLPane or one of its subframes will request keyboard focus if the mouse is clicked within it.
 void setShowHyperlinkOnMouseFocus(boolean b)
          Determines whether a hyperlink will only be marked as such when it has mouse focus.
 void setShowTestNavBar(boolean b)
          Enables/disables the display of a diagnostic navigation bar.
 void setShowWarningBeforePost(boolean b)
          Enables/disables the showing of a warning message before a form POST submission is made.
 void setUnderlineLinks(boolean b)
          Enables/disables the underlining of hyperlinks within a HTMLPane.
 void setVisitedHash(Hashtable table)
          Sets the Hashtable containing references to URLs which will be used by a HTMLPane to mark visited hyperlinks.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HTMLConfig()
Creates a new Config object which will have all fields set to default values.

Method Detail


public Hashtable getVisitedHash()
Returns a Hashtable containing references to visited URLs. This hashtable can be passed into a new Config object at a later date so that a user's visited links are persistent. The method of storing the hashtable's contents outside of this class is left to the programmer.

The keys within the hashtable are all Integer objects, each representing a hashcode of a visited URL (note that this is not the hashcode returned from the URL.hashcode() method).
The values within the hashtable are all Long objects representing the System.currentTimeMillis() when the link was last visited. The programmer may therefore remove 'old' links if so desired.

a Hashtable recording visited document URLs
See Also:


public void setVisitedHash(Hashtable table)
Sets the Hashtable containing references to URLs which will be used by a HTMLPane to mark visited hyperlinks. Only pass in a hashtable which was previously obtained from a Config object via the getVisitedHash() method.

table - a Hashtable containing Integer/Long pairs representing visited document URLs
See Also:


public void setOptimizeDisplay(int optimizeLevel)
Determines whether a HTMLPane will adjust display parameters based on frame width. The arguments which can be sent to this method are:

See the README.TXT file accompanying this document for more details on optimizeDisplay.

optimizeLevel - a value indicating the level (if any) of display optimization required
See Also:
setFrameDisplayWidth(int, int)


public int getOptimizeDisplay()
Returns whether a HTMLPane will adjust display parameters based on frame size.

See the README.TXT file accompanying this document for more details on optimizeDisplay.

a value indicating the current level of display optimization


public void setFrameDisplayWidth(int displaySize,
                                 int width)
Sets the width for the specified displaySize at which point a HTMLPane will start scaling its display if optimizeDisplay is enabled. The permitted displaySize arguments are:

There is no need to set a width for displaySize HTMLConstants.S_LARGE as a HTMLPane will treat any width greater than the HTMLConstants.S_MEDIUM width as a large display.

Default values are: S_SMALL: 250 pixels, S_MEDIUM: 400 pixels

See the README.TXT file accompanying this document for more details on optimizeDisplay.


public int getFrameDisplayWidth(int displaySize)
Returns the width for the specified displaySize at which point a HTMLPane will start scaling its display if optimizeDisplay is enabled. The permitted displaySize arguments are:


public void setDefaultFont(int displaySize,
                           Font font)
Sets a default font to be used by a HTMLPane. This method takes three different size arguments: In most cases you will call this method with the HTMLConstants.S_LARGE argument. The S_SMALL and S_MEDIUM arguments are used in special cases relating to printing (which is not yet supported in the Java 2 version of HTMLPane) and the optimizeDisplay feature of HTMLPane.

The font point sizes supported in HTMLPane are: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 36, 48

If the size of the font sent to this method does not exactly match a supported size, then the closest supported value will be used.

See Also:


public Font getDefaultFont(int displaySize)
Returns a default font being used by a HTMLPane

See Also:
setDefaultFont(int, java.awt.Font)


public void setDefaultButtonFont(int displaySize,
                                 Font font)
Sets a default font to be used within form Buttons and ComboBoxes. This method only applies to THREEDEE and FLUSH form components. LOOKANDFEEL components will not be affected. This method takes three different size arguments: In most cases you will call this method with the HTMLConstants.S_LARGE argument. The S_SMALL and S_MEDIUM arguments are used in special cases relating to the optimizeDisplay feature of HTMLPane.

The font point sizes supported in HTMLPane are: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 36, 48

If the size of the font sent to this method does not exactly match a supported size, then the closest supported value will be used.

See Also:


public Font getDefaultButtonFont(int displaySize)
Returns a default font being used within THREEDEE and FLUSH Buttons and ComboBoxes.

See Also:
setDefaultButtonFont(int, java.awt.Font)


public void setDefaultFormTextFont(int displaySize,
                                   Font font)
Sets a default font to be used within form TextFields, TextAreas and Lists. This method only applies to THREEDEE and FLUSH form components. LOOKANDFEEL components will not be affected. This method takes three different size arguments: In most cases you will call this method with the HTMLConstants.S_LARGE argument. The S_SMALL and S_MEDIUM arguments are used in special cases relating to the optimizeDisplay feature of HTMLPane.

The font point sizes supported in HTMLPane are: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 36, 48

If the size of the font sent to this method does not exactly match a supported size, then the closest supported value will be used.

See Also:


public Font getDefaultFormTextFont(int displaySize)
Returns a default font being used within THREEDEE and FLUSH Textfields, TextAreas and Lists.

See Also:
setDefaultFormTextFont(int, java.awt.Font)


public void setDefaultColor(int attributeType,
                            Color c)
Sets a default color. Permitted values are:

HTMLConstants.A_BGCOLOR Color.whiteDocument background color
HTMLConstants.A_TEXT Color.blackDocument text color
HTMLConstants.A_LINK Color(0xOOOOEA)Normal link color
HTMLConstants.A_VLINK Color(0x800080)Visited link color
HTMLConstants.A_ALINK Color.redActive link color
HTMLConstants.FORM_CONTROL UIControlControl color of form components
HTMLConstants.FORM_HIGHLIGHT UIHighlightHighlight color of form components
HTMLConstants.FORM_SHADOW UIShadowShadow color of form components
HTMLConstants.FORM_TEXT_BACKGROUND Color.whiteBackground color within form components such as textfields
HTMLConstants.FORM_TEXT_COLOR Color.blackText color within form components such as textfields
HTMLConstants.TAB_FOCUS_BACKGROUND Color(0x300060)Background color of hyperlinks which have keyboard focus
HTMLConstants.TAB_FOCUS_FOREGROUND Color(0xFFFFD0)Foreground color of hyperlinks which have keyboard focus

This method should be called prior to passing the Config to a HTMLPane. Calls after this point will be ignored.


public Color getDefaultColor(int attributeType)
Returns a default color used by a HTMLPane to render documents. See setDefaultColor() for allowed attributeTypes

See Also:
setDefaultColor(int, java.awt.Color)


public void setFormRenderingStyle(int style)
Sets the rendering style of FORM components within a HTMLPane. The permitted style values are:

The USE_LOOK_AND_FEEL argument will use standard Swing components based on the currently installed Look&Feel. Generally these will provide an acceptable display, but with certain document background colors these components lose style features due to a clash between the background color of the document and the control, shadow, and highlight color of the component.

The USE_CALPA_THREEDEE and USE_CALPA_FLUSH styles have been incorporated to help overcome such a situation. These components support author-specific color attributes which can be made to blend satisfactorily with the surrounding document color.

Note that setting the default style via this method does not prevent the document author from setting individual styles within the document itself. Styles can be freely mixed by specifying style attributes within the relevant document form tags.

Although this method can be called at any time during program execution, existing form components will remain in their original style.

The default rendering style of form components is USE_CALPA_THREEDEE

See the README.TXT file accompanying this document for more details on form rendering.

style - a value which determines the default rendering style of HTML form components


public int getFormRenderingStyle()
Returns the default rendering style of FORM components within a HTMLPane.

a value indicating the default rendering style of HTML form components
See Also:


public void setDefaultFrameSpacing(int n)
Sets the default spacing in pixels between frames within a FrameSet document. The default setting is 4 pixels.

n - the default spacing in pixels between HTML frames in a FrameSet document


public int getDefaultFrameSpacing()
Returns the default spacing in pixels between frames within a FrameSet document.

the default spacing in pixels between HTML frames in a FrameSet document


public void setDefaultMarginwidth(int n)
Sets the default horizontal margin of a document. The default setting is 6 pixels.

n - the default horizontal margin in pixels between a document and the border of the frame it resides in.


public int getDefaultMarginwidth()
Returns the default horizontal margin of a document.

the default horizontal margin in pixels between a document and the border of the frame it resides in.


public void setDefaultMarginheight(int n)
Sets the default vertical margin of a document. The default setting is 6 pixels.

n - the default vertical margin in pixels between a document and the border of the frame it resides in.


public int getDefaultMarginheight()
Returns the default vertical margin of a document.

the default vertical margin in pixels between a document and the border of the frame it resides in.


public void setUnderlineLinks(boolean b)
Enables/disables the underlining of hyperlinks within a HTMLPane. The default value is true.

b - a flag indicating whether hyperlinks should be underlined


public boolean isUnderlineLinksEnabled()
Returns whether a HTMLPane will underline hyperlinks.

true if hyperlinks will be underlined


public void setShowHyperlinkOnMouseFocus(boolean b)
Determines whether a hyperlink will only be marked as such when it has mouse focus. This is commonly used in help systems where it is obvious that all text is a hyperlink entry, and users only need to know which hyperlink is currently active. The default value is false.

b - a flag indicating whether hyperlinks will only be marked as such if they have mouse focus


public boolean isShowHyperlinkOnMouseFocusEnabled()
Returns whether a HTMLPane will only show a hyperlink when the link has mouse focus.

true if a hyperlink will only be marked as such when it has mouse focus


public void setLoadImages(boolean b)
Enables/disables the automatic loading of images within a HTMLPane. The default value is true.

b - a flag indicating whether images within documents should be loaded and displayed


public boolean isLoadImagesEnabled()
Returns whether a HTMLPane will automatically load images within documents.

true if images within documents will be loaded and displayed


public void setDisplayErrorDialogs(boolean b)
Enables/disables the automatic display of error dialogs within a HTMLPane. At present such errors will most commonly arise from a failure to navigate to a selected URL. The default value is true. If set to false, errors will not be displayed to the screen but will still be passed to the resident HTMLObserver

b - a flag indicating whether an dialog should be displayed if an error occurs within a Pane.


public boolean isDisplayErrorDialogsEnabled()
Returns whether a HTMLPane will automatically display a dialog when errors such as failed hyperlinks occur.

true if an error dialog will be displayed if an error occurs within a Pane.


public void setShowTestNavBar(boolean b)
Enables/disables the display of a diagnostic navigation bar. The default value is false.

The navigation bar is a legacy of testing the component and is very basic, but it has not been removed as it can be useful at times. It is expected that users will implement their own custom navigation controls if required.

The NavBar operates independently of the HTMLObserver monitoring the Pane, and will not interfere with updates to that object. Note also that the NavBar controls do not receive keyboard focus when tabbing.

This method should be called prior to passing the Config to a HTMLPane. Calls after this point will be ignored.

b - a flag indicating whether a HTMLPane's test navigation controls should be displayed.


public boolean isShowTestNavBarEnabled()
Returns whether a HTMLPane will display a diagnostic navigation bar on startup.

true if a HTMLPane will display test navigation controls.


public void setAutomaticallyFollowHyperlinks(boolean b)
Enables/disables the automatic navigation of activated hyperlinks in a HTMLPane. The default value is true. If set to false, activated hyperlinks will not be followed but the event will still be passed to the resident HTMLObserver

b - a flag indicating whether hyperlinks should be followed if activated by mouse or keyboard.


public boolean isAutomaticallyFollowHyperlinksEnabled()
Returns whether a HTMLPane will automatically navigate activated hyperlinks.

true if hyperlinks should be followed if activated by keyboard or mouse.


public void setHandleFormSubmission(boolean b)
Enables/disables the automatic processing of GET and POST html forms within a HTMLPane. The default value is true. If set to false, form submissions will still be passed to the resident HTMLObserver

b - a flag indicating whether http GET and POST form submissions should be handled automatically by a HTMLPane


public boolean isHandleFormSubmissionEnabled()
Returns whether a HTMLPane will automatically handle GET and POST form submissions.

true if http GET and POST form submissions will be handled automatically by a HTMLPane


public void setShowWarningBeforePost(boolean b)
Enables/disables the showing of a warning message before a form POST submission is made. The default value is true. This setting only has any meaning if the Pane is handling form submissions.

b - a flag indicating whether a warning message will displayed before an http form POST submission


public boolean isShowWarningBeforePostEnabled()
Returns whether a HTMLPane will show a warning to the user before a form POST submission is made.

true if a warning message will displayed before an http form POST submission


public void setHandleNewFrames(boolean b)
Enables/disables the automatic creation of a new HTMLPane if specified by an HTML tag. The default value is true. If set to false, a request for a new frame will be sent to the resident HTMLObserver

b - a flag indicating whether a new HTMLPane should automatically be displayed if specified by an HTML tag.


public boolean isHandleNewFramesEnabled()
Returns whether a new HTMLPane will automatically be created if specified by an HTML tag.

true if a new HTMLPane will automatically be displayed if specified by an HTML tag.


public void setRequestFocusOnMouseClick(boolean b)
Determines whether a HTMLPane or one of its subframes will request keyboard focus if the mouse is clicked within it. The default value is false.

b - a flag indicating whether a HTMLPane frame should call requestFocus() if the mouse is clicked within it.


public boolean isRequestFocusOnMouseClickEnabled()
Returns whether a HTMLPane will request keyboard focus if the mouse is clicked within it.

true if a HTMLPane frame will call requestFocus() if the mouse is clicked within it.

Copyright © 2002-2004 Thomas Zander Available under the Free Apache licence