Package uic.pjava.widgets.tabbedpane

Personal Java Tabbed Pane widget that is written to work on small screen sizes.


Interface Summary
TabNamedComponent If you implement this interface and add an instance of your class to a TabPanel, the text that appears on the tab for that component will be determined by the getTabName() method.
TabSelectionListener This interface describes the communcation between a TabPanel and a class that wants to listen in on tabs that are selected.

Class Summary
TabPanel TabPanel -- allows a user to select from several interface components by clicking a tab at the top of the panel.

Package uic.pjava.widgets.tabbedpane Description

Personal Java Tabbed Pane widget that is written to work on small screen sizes. Thanks fly to Scott Stanchfield for creating this and making it public domain.

Copyright © 2002-2004 Thomas Zander Available under the Free Apache licence