Class Translate.Translator

  extended by uic.pjava.Translate.Translator
Enclosing class:

public static class Translate.Translator
extends Object

Class that holds the actual translation strings

Field Summary
 ResourceBundle bundle
Constructor Summary
Translate.Translator(ResourceBundle bundle)
Method Summary
 String getButtonText(String in)
          In Qt the '&' in front of a character represents a mnemonic; but should not be visible on buttons; this method returns the string sans the '&'.
 char getMnemonic(String in)
          In Qt the '&' in front of a character represents a mnemonic; but should not be visible on buttons; this method returns the first character that follows the '& char.
 String i18n(String in)
 void setBundle(ResourceBundle bundle)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public ResourceBundle bundle
Constructor Detail


public Translate.Translator(ResourceBundle bundle)
Method Detail


public void setBundle(ResourceBundle bundle)


public String i18n(String in)


public String getButtonText(String in)
In Qt the '&' in front of a character represents a mnemonic; but should not be visible on buttons; this method returns the string sans the '&'.


public char getMnemonic(String in)
In Qt the '&' in front of a character represents a mnemonic; but should not be visible on buttons; this method returns the first character that follows the '& char.

Copyright © 2002-2004 Thomas Zander Available under the Free Apache licence