Class QWizard

  extended by uic.output.AbstractWidget
      extended by uic.output.swing.AbstractWidget
          extended by uic.output.swing.QWizard
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class QWizard
extends AbstractWidget
implements MultiPanelInterface

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class uic.output.AbstractWidget
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class uic.output.swing.AbstractWidget
Fields inherited from class uic.output.AbstractWidget
builder, BUTTON, debug, debugGrid, horizontalAlign, PROP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR, PROP_BUTTONMNEMONIC, PROP_BUTTONTEXT, PROP_FOREGROUNDCOLOR, PROP_MAXIMUMSIZE, PROP_MINIMUMSIZE, properties, sourceVersion, translator, verticalAlign, widgetElement
Constructor Summary
QWizard(UICBuilder builder, Element e)
Method Summary
 String addPanel(int index)
          On panels which can have multiple panels we add each 'child' seperately, this method is called and the plugin is expected to create a new container for that child.
 String constructWidget()
          Create the construction of the widget.
 void createActions()
          If a widget wants to add default actions, this is the place.
Methods inherited from class uic.output.swing.AbstractWidget
getSlotActionInformation, writeDefaultProperties
Methods inherited from class uic.output.AbstractWidget
getDoubleProperty, getHorizontalAlign, getIntProperty, getName, getSignalActionInformation, getSourceVersion, getVerticalAlign, getWidgetRepresenter, isHTMLtext, setBuildSettings, setDebug, setDebugGrid, setSourceVersion, setTranslator, setWidgetRepresenter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QWizard(UICBuilder builder,
               Element e)
Method Detail


public String constructWidget()
                       throws UnsupportedWidgetException
Description copied from class: AbstractWidget
Create the construction of the widget. The base construction is done here, this is the first method invoced.

Specified by:
constructWidget in class AbstractWidget
name The name of the constructed class that should be added to a container.


public String addPanel(int index)
Description copied from interface: MultiPanelInterface
On panels which can have multiple panels we add each 'child' seperately, this method is called and the plugin is expected to create a new container for that child. For a QTabWidget each call will add a new tab, and return the (generated) name on which the widgets can be placed.

Specified by:
addPanel in interface MultiPanelInterface
index - A zero based index on which child will be added.
name of the (empty) child container.


public void createActions()
Description copied from class: AbstractWidget
If a widget wants to add default actions, this is the place.

createActions in class AbstractWidget

Copyright © 2002-2004 Thomas Zander Available under the Free Apache licence